Nano Sital Gemstone
Nano Sital Gemstone
Nanosital Gemstones – Their Uses, Benefits And Effects On Mankind
Nanosital does not contain any health hazardous contaminants (lead, arsenum, cadmium)
- Hardness: 7 on Mohs scale
- Refractive Index: 1.65-1.7
- Specific Gravity: 3.5-4
- Dispersion: 0.015
- Melting Point: 1700 degrees Celcius
It does not change color when heated. Can be used in wax casting
Do you know what they actually are?
Special glass and synthetic crystal when mixed together by a technique which is quite similar to the hydrothermal process, produces a hybrid of glass and ceramic material. It constitutes of nano-sized crystals of seed in glass matrix known as “Nanosital Gemstones”.
How did they come into existence?
These gemstones are artificially produced in the lab by a process that is quite similar to that of the hydrothermal method. Scientists synthesize these in the lab and are known to have created a miracle every time. Natural gemstones take years to form in nature whereas Nano Sital gemstones can be created anytime that they are needed to. It is not evident when exactly these stones started flooding the market, since, their creation was kept as a top secret all over the world for some obvious reasons. But once they did, there was no looking back. There was a never a dearth of gemstones in the market as they did not have to wait for years for a natural gemstone to be found again. They are more affordable than natural stones.
Why should you buy Nanosital gemstones?
Nanosital gemstones are NOT natural gemstones, but neither are fake. They are created artificially, as they have the constituents of the real and natural stones in them. The shape and the process may be different, but the consistency that it has procured is beyond imagination. Especially when a company or a business that deals with nanosital gemstones send in their orders in a bulk, the ones producing the nanosital gemstones can provide stones like Sapphires and Rubies in their synthetic counterparts. The color constituency and the quality that they inherit is so very consistent in nature. Even a natural gemstone lacks this type of consistency. Hence, for bulk orders of gemstones, going for nanosital gemstones is the smartest thing to do. It can help you on the monetary front as well.
Uses of Nanosital gems
The world has been blessed by the production of nanosital gemstones. The prices are comparatively lower than natural gemstones, and hence, they have gained quite some fame and name in the business cycle. These colored gems have garnered a niche in weddings for many. Diamonds have taken a backseat because of the engagement of these stones within the market. The millennials are going for them rather than spending bombs on the sparkling rock. They are being used for their looks and the colors, as well as the several beliefs and reasons attached to them. They are getting to have two benefits folded into one and hence are recommending it for all others out there who are not willing to crash into something super expensive.
The discovery, rather, the processing of such stones has not only benefitted the market and the business cycle but has also been serving as a boon to several individuals who are convenient with the price of the products and its ever-lasting features. But to note, there are several sites that sell fake stones in the name of synthetic gemstones. To have access to a good site is pretty important and you can surely check out gemsngems as we have trusted services to help you pick your gemstones without even a doubt of fraudulency.